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Geometry related Maxima functions

STACK adds a number of geometry related functions to maxima to help teachers establish mathematical properties, particularly when using the Geogebra input.

These functions are defined in stack/maxima/geometry.mac.

Note that unless already defined in Maxima, function names should match function names in Geogebra


Length(v) returns the Euclidean length of the vector (represented as a list) from the origin to the point.


Distance(A, B) returns the Euclidean distance between points represented as lists. Works in any dimension.


Angle(A, B, C) returns the angle between three points \(A\), \(B\), \(C\). The function returns radians. Note angles are given between \(-\pi\) and \(\pi\) (not between \(0\) and \(2\pi\)).

ドキュメントホーム | カテゴリインデックス | サイトマップ | 英語のサイトマップ

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