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Including JavaScript in questions has always been a bit suspicious as it essentially executes with the user's rights in the browser. For this reason it is necessary to somehow separate that scripting from the VLE context. It is also good to separate the scripting from the VLE to ease portability of materials to other VLEs.

STACK-JS is a sandbox IFRAME based solution where the potentially dangerous bits of code exist inside an IFRAME and communicate with the VLE through a limited set of messages. The idea is to restrict the script from directly seeing the VLE, and restrict interaction with the VLE.


The solution consist of two parts:

  1. The VLE side beachhead script which needs to adapt to the VLE while at the same time maintain the STACK-JS features. For Moodle this script is in the amd/src/stackjsvle.js file and it has been designed so that the VLE-specific parts are separated into functions name vle_ porting this to other VLEs should not be difficult.

  2. The IFRAME side script is currently stored at corsscripts/stackjsiframe.js and provides automated promise-based APIs for doing basic actions through the messaging system. This script should never be changed and it should always be the same on all VLEs. It includes logic for synchronisation that may not be necessary with the default Moodle implementation, but should still be kept there for possible other uses.

The VLE side has more control here, as it can decide what it allows and to whom it listens. In general, the IFRAMEs are constructed through the VLE side scripts and those scripts only listen to the IFRAMEs they constructed.

The primary security feature of the VLE side is to limit the access to inputs to just those inputs present within questions. The access is also limited to listening for input changes and setting their values so no DOM modification is possible. However, there are messages that allow toggling the visibility and changing the contents of elements by ID, however again the VLE can limit those elements to just those elements within the questions and also apply whatever cleaning (strip all scripts and so on) to any content received.

Promises for the content

The content going into those IFRAMEs can be anything and it can do whatever it wants in those IFRAMEs. The STACK-JS logic will promise that no filtering for the content will ever be done. Other than Markdown etc. if requested. No VLE level filters will affect it nor will we tidy it.

Content can also rest assured that it is not within the same origin as the VLE and thus cannot leak authorisation or other sensitive details from that side.


As the IFRAME is in its own "origin" it cannot load scripts from just any source. And as it is important to be able to load some scripts, especially that stackjsiframe.js, we need a source that is suitable. That source needs to set a particular header, and as we do not want to add extra install requirements for different web-servers we now have a special script that modifies headers at corsscripts/cors.php. We could also serve that script from external source through some CDN, but we probably want to maintain the ability to run the whole system in a closed network so that is why we provide our own header modification script.

If one needs to serve anything to those IFRAMEs from the local system one can either drop that thing into that corsscripts/ directory or config ones own headers elsewhere. Currently, works with .css and .js files.

Loading external scripts

Do note that loading external scripts into the IFRAME is possible as long as the following two conditions are met:

  1. You are not loading from http:// sources into https:// context. Things work the other way around but mixing HTTP into HTTPS does not, as most sane VLEs are going to be running over HTTPS and the IFRAME will inherit some security assumptions from the surroundings, you should always write any references to external libraries using https://... urls.
  2. The server serving that library has the correct CORS header so that the script allows itself to be loaded into different origin context. Basically, public usage CDN:s have this header. But most servers do not by default serve scripts for others to use. The header is this: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *. Do note that the server could also serve other headers that might affect your ability to load scripts into sandbox IFRAMEs so if things do not work check those headers.

Do note that use of external resources will always make your materials sensitive to external changes. Therefore, if you do build materials that rely on external libraries do consider self hosting fixed copies of those libraries for your own use.

The general security reason

While no attacks using the scripting are currently known, securing this border is necessary in a world where material sharing is more common. If your STACK installation is not new enough to use this security feature then do pay extra attention to materials received from random sources, as they might contain scripting that would execute with your rights. Such execution could, for example:

  1. Exfiltrate information from the system that is likely to house student details.
  2. Modify information in the system, for example, points, quiz settings, or access rights.
  3. Do arbitrary actions "as you", e.g., post messages onto course forums.

Do note that similar risks are related to any materials that allow arbitrary scripts to be included either by the student or by whoever authored the material and these types of attacks are always just one spoofed e-mail away.

While unlikely, it is worth being careful until STACK has completed the migration to secured JavaScript. The current plan is to first provide means for doing things in a secure way and then forbid insecure methods in a following release. Until that following release, keep your eyes open.

Minimal example for access to an input

Given a STACK question with an input named ans1 you can create an IFRAME that executes arbitrary code that can refrence that input like this:

[[script type="module"]]
import {stack_js} from '[[cors src="stackjsiframe.js"/]]';
var promiseforaninput = stack_js.request_access_to_input("ans1", true);
promiseforaninput.then((id) => {
   document.getElementById(id).type = 'input';

The first two lines first open up an [[iframe]] which generates an XHTML document and an IFRAME to contain it, and then we use the [[script]] block to generate a script-tag in that documents head. With the type="module" we make it possible to use the import syntax to bring in libraries and in this case we bring in the stack_js library from an URL provided by the [[cors]] block so that we do not need to write hard coded references to the full URL. Once we have the library, we then ask it for access to the input named ans1, we also add that true to signal the we would want to see input events being synchronised in addition to normal change events, to make this demo more interactive. As the connection process is asynchronous we will receive a promise that will resolve into the identifier of an hidden input that will be constructed inside the IFRAME, in this example we simply make that input visible so that we can try interacting with it directly.

If you modify that IFRAME side inputs value through code or other means it will only get synchronised to the VLE side once a change event is emitted, so do dispatch some events if things do not otherwise work.

Also if your only purpose is to run JavaScript you might want to hide the IFRAME, you can simply place it inside something that is not being displayed or use hidden="true" as an argument to the [[iframe]]-block. If it needs to be visible, all the dimension options of [[jsxgraph]] also work here.

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