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Installation instructions.

STACK is being used live at many institutions, including the University of Edinburgh, the UK Open University, Aalto, Loughborough University, and the University of Birmingham in the UK.

STACK is designed to be used on a Linux-based server. The Windows/MS option exists to help teachers author questions offline, and for demonstration and development. However, for demonstration, development and offline use we strongly recommend using VirtualBox instead of the Windows port. Note also that support for the optimized Maxima image is not available on Windows platforms, which is a substantial performance improvement.

0. Set up PHP with mbstring

STACK v4.3 and later require the PHP mbstring library. While this is included in many distros, it is not yet included by default in all.

On an existing Moodle site navigate to


to confirm before adding this plug-in.

On some Linux distros, you simply need to

apt-get install php-mbstring

and then re-start the web server.

1. Set up Moodle.

  • Please ensure you have installed Moodle. We intend to support STACK within the normal Moodle release cycle. STACK has been tested on Moodle 3.9 to 3.11. STACK is untested on versions before Moodle 3.9. We intend to support all future Moodle releases. If your version of Moodle is not listed here please contact the developers: we probably simply have not done the testing of future versions yet. For longer support of older versions of Moodle please contact us, otherwise will will drop them from our list.
  • Please ensure LaTeX can be displayed. We currently support MathJax through the Moodle MathJax filter.

Consider updating the MathJax settings to wrap long equations. In particular, add

CommonHTML: { linebreaks: { automatic: true } },
"HTML-CSS": { linebreaks: { automatic: true } },
SVG: { linebreaks: { automatic: true } }

to filter_mathjaxloader | mathjaxconfig in the filter settings: Dashboard > Site administration > Plugins > Filters > MathJax

2. Install gnuplot and Maxima

Ensure gcc, gnuplot and Maxima are installed on your server. Currently Maxima 5.38.1 to 5.44.0 are supported. Please contact the developers to request support for other versions. (Newer versions will be supported, and prompts to test them are welcome.)

We currently recommend that you use Maxima 5.41.0.

Please note

  • Please avoid versions 5.37.x which are known to have a minor bug which affects STACK. In particular with simp:false, \(s^{-1}\) is transformed into \(1/s\). This apparently minor change makes it impossible to distinguish between the two forms. This causes all sorts of problems. Do not use Maxim 5.37.1 to 5.37.3.
  • Older versions of Maxima: in particular, Maxima 5.23.2 has some differences which result in \(1/\sqrt{x} \neq \sqrt{1/x}\), and similar problems. This means that we have an inconsistency between questions between versions of maxima. Of course, we can argue about which values of \(x\) make \(1/\sqrt{x} = \sqrt{1/x}\), but currently the unit tests and assumption is that these expressions should be considered to be algebraically equivalent! So, older versions of Maxima are not supported for a reason. Please test thoroughly if you try to use an older version, and expect some errors in the mathematical parts of the code.
  • If you install more than one version of Maxima then you will need to tell STACK which version to use. Otherwise just use the "default" option.

The documentation on Installing Maxima includes code for compiling Maxima from source.

Maxima can also be downloaded as a self-contained installer program for Windows, RPMs for Linux or as source for all platforms.

Instructions for installing a more recent version of Maxima on CentOS 6 are available on the Moodle forum (Oct 2014).

3. Add some additional question behaviours

STACK requires these.

  1. Obtain Deferred feedback with explicit validation behaviour code. You can download the zip file, unzip it, and place it in the directory moodle/question/behaviour/dfexplicitvaildate. (You will need to rename the directory moodle-qbehaviour_dfexplicitvaildate -> dfexplicitvaildate.)

    Alternatively, get the code using git by running the following command in the top level folder of your Moodle install:

    git clone question/behaviour/dfexplicitvaildate
  2. Obtain Deferred feedback with CBM and explicit validation behaviour code. You can download the zip file, unzip it, and place it in the directory moodle/question/behaviour/dfcbmexplicitvaildate. (You will need to rename the directory moodle-qbehaviour_dfcbmexplicitvaildate -> dfcbmexplicitvaildate.)

    Alternatively, get the code using git by running the following command in the top level folder of your Moodle install:

    git clone question/behaviour/dfcbmexplicitvaildate
  3. Obtain adaptivemutlipart behaviour code. You can download the zip file, unzip it, and place it in the directory moodle/question/behaviour/adaptivemultipart. (You will need to rename the directory moodle-qbehaviour_adaptivemultipart -> adaptivemultipart.)

    Alternatively, get the code using git by running the following command in the top level folder of your Moodle install:

    git clone question/behaviour/adaptivemultipart
  4. Login to Moodle as the admin user and click on Notifications in the Site Administration panel.

4. Add the STACK question type

STACK is a question type for the Moodle quiz.

  1. Obtain the code. You can download the zip file, unzip it, and place it in the directory moodle/question/type/stack. (You will need to rename the directory moodle-qtype_stack -> stack.)

    Alternatively, get the code using git by running the following command in the top level folder of your Moodle install:

    git clone question/type/stack
  2. Login to Moodle as the admin user and click on Notifications in the Site Administration panel.
  3. As the admin user, navigate to Home > Site administration > Plugins > Question types > STACK. Please choose and save the appropriate options.
  4. On the same page, click on the link to the healthcheck script. This writes local configuration files and then helps you verify that all aspects of STACK are working properly.

You must be able to connect to the CAS, and for the CAS to successfully create plots, before you can use STACK. You might want to try optimising Maxima access times.

You should now have a question type available to the Moodle quiz.

5. Post-install confirmation.

It is essential to confirm that the PHP scripts are connecting to the CAS.

We have special scripts which provide confirmation and trouble-shooting data to test the installation.

6. Optional (but recommended): Fix DB case sensitivity issue.

Using a database with a case insensitive collation can cause issues; for example MySQL with utf8mb4_unicode_ci. This is a general problem of Moodle, not specific to this plugin. See Database collation issue.

If your DB uses case insensitive collations you must change them to case sensitive ones for the following columns:

  • qtype_stacks_inputs -> name

Example command for MySQL 8.0:

ALTER TABLE mdl_qtype_stack_inputs CHANGE name name VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

STACK will work without this fix, but input names will not be case sensitive (!) as far as Moodle's database is concerned. This will throw errors for some questions.

Migration from STACK 3.X to STACK 4.0

STACK 4.0 has one important change in the question authoring. CAS text now uses {@...@} in include mathematics in the text. The change from @...@ to {@...@} gives us matching parentheses to parse, which is much better. The {..} will not break LaTeX.

You will need to update all your existing questions which include CAS calculations. This includes all fields, e.g. in the feedback as well. To help with this process we have an automatic conversion script. As an admin user navigate to

Site administration -> 
Plugins ->
Question Types ->

Then choose the link "The fix maths delimiters script". If you have any difficulties with this process please contact the developers.

Migration from STACK 2.X to STACK 3.0

If you wish to import STACK 2 questions into STACK 3 you will need to install the STACK question format separately. This is distributed as qformat_stack. It provides a different question format for the Moodle quiz importer.

  1. Obtain the code. You can download the zip file, unzip it, and place it in the directory moodle/question/format/stack. (You will need to rename the directory moodle-qformat_stack -> stack.)

    Alternatively, get the code using git by running the following command in the top level folder of your Moodle install:

    git clone question/format/stack
  2. Login to Moodle as the admin user and click on Notifications in the Site Administration panel.

There have been a number of changes between STACK 2 and STACK 3. This feature has not been tested since STACK 4.0. If you need to use this please contact the developers. Also, see the notes on the importer before using it.

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